...with a dead battery. My truck, The Loon Ranger, refused to start this morning. Maybe the ghost of Henry Ford was telling me to walk to the health club. (Oh the irony.) I jiggled the battery cables and the LR started up and deprived me of the extra exercise.
This morning, I signed up for my first indoor tri, the Tri U Mah at the University of Minnesota on Feb. 5, 2012.
In preparation, the Love Of My Life (LOML) Angel convinced me to do a 24-hour water-only fast yesterday and a 7-day vegetable & fruit-only "reboot" starting today. We're off to a good start.
My weight after this morning's workout was 228.5 pounds. I hope to do the tri at approx. 200 lbs. How will I lose the 28.5 lbs? Here's the plan:
a) Trim my beard = .1 lb.
b) Wear lighter shoes = .4 lb.
c) Eat less & exercise more = 28 lbs.
It's good to have a plan.
Speaking of Reboots, we watched a movie called "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead". It's about an overweight Australian who spends 2 months in America and eats only fruit & vegetable juice. He travels across the country with his juicer, buying supplies along the way. He loses about 1.5 lb per day. A very inspiring show.
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